What the fuck is wrong with me!?
Well the trip to Samye Ling went well. Apart from my two meltdowns, it was a great weekend.
I’m so focused on everything going wrong that I’m missing all the times that are right. I’m so untrusting that I make life with me almost unbearable. Why would anyone want to be with someone like that. It makes no sense.
I don’t feel right for anyone.
I was supposed to have my CBT yesterday and it was cancelled. Instead of spending a nice day with my partner. It turned into a shit day because I can’t keep my thoughts in check. I’m a fucking moron. And, if fucking autocorrects to ducking one more time, I’m going to pinch my own eye till all I can see is blackness.
My mind is a pile of shit sometimes. And it’s connected to the stupid hole in the front of my face that makes … Read the rest